Milwaukee Beer Barons Rugby Football Club

Milwaukee's first all-inclusive rugby club

Home of the Milwaukee Beer Barons Rugby Football Club.

So you want to check us out. Here's how!


Come to a practice

Mondays and Wednesdays from 6-8 PM at the open field to the north of Beulah Brinton Park in Bay View

Here is a great article about what you can expect at your first practice when it is safe to do so!

If you would like to chat before you go to a practice, head over to the contact page. It is not necessary for you to contact us before you come to your first practice.


I'm ready to join


There are two types of membership with the Beer Barons: player or social member. Whether you want to play or support the team, you can find all the information about what the team is up to on our Facebook page.


Players: Here's what you need to do

1. Register with USA Rugby, and be sure to register with the Milwaukee Beer Barons. Registration with USA Rugby currently costs $124 per year and provides many benefits including some insurance coverage in case of injury.

2. Join the Facebook group listed above. 


Social Members:

Social Members are fans of the Beer Barons who want to attend after game festivities. There will be dues, but that structure is currently not set up yet.  More info to come!